The Freshest from YOUR Farm to YOUR table!
Located north of Stafford St. on Cemetery Road, a Town designated Scenic Road in historic Northside Village, the 65 acre Fay Mountain Farm was purchased by the Town of Charlton in 2002 with a grant provided by the Mass. Division of Conservation Services (DCS) and funding provided by the Masonic Home through a state agricultural mitigation fund requirement. The Town preserves this unique property as an active farm resource via leasing for continued apple orchard and other assorted crop and hay production.
The on-site open space also offers passive recreational opportunities via a segment of the Midstate Trail that passes through the site. In addition to the 32 acre on site orchard, the property includes a historical barn, Snow's Pond, blueberry and raspberry plantings and over 28 aces of natural wooded and field open space. Feel free to explore from sunrise to sunset, just don't touch the outdoor crops please! All produce, farm fresh meat, cheese and other unique items available for sale in our farm store.
Fay Mountain Farm is 65 acres owned by the Town of Charlton, Massachusetts, located in historic Northside Village. The Farmer is Neil Johnson of Kettle Brook Farms. Contact Farmer Neil at KettleBrookFarms@gmail.com or just stop in!